Sex Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles, CA
Have you been charged with a sex crime? If so, then call a Los Angeles sex crimes attorney from The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys at (213) 995-6767 for a free consultation.
Ambrosio Rodriguez has over 20 years of experience handling all types of sex crimes, and he can protect your future.
Contact us today to get the legal assistance that you need.
As a Senior Deputy D.A., Ambrosio E. Rodriguez spent four years in the prestigious Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit. Mr. Rodriguez’s superior trial work and expertise in this field earned him the position of Trial Team Leader of the Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit.
As Trial Team Leader Mr. Rodriguez only tried the most difficult, complicated, and highly publicized cases.
Mr. Rodriguez has expertise in all sex crimes including:
- Child Molestation
- Child Pornography
- Child Prostitution
- Date Rape
- Indecent Exposure
- Lewd Conduct (PC 647(a))
- Pandering
- Prostitution
- Rape
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Battery
- Sexual Harassment
- Sex Offender Registration
- Statutory Rape
Why You Should Choose The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys When You’re Facing Sex Crime Charges
When you’re charged with a sex crime, the state will go to great lengths to get a conviction. Who better to defend you than a former sex crimes prosecutor?
Before becoming a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, Ambrosio Rodriguez spent more than a decade working as a prosecutor for the state of California. For 13 years, he prosecuted the very same types of cases he defends today.
In fact, during his tenure as a Senior Deputy District Attorney, he led the Sexual Assault/Child Abuse Unit.
Let us put our knowledge, experiences, and determination to work for you.
When you call our Los Angeles law firm for help with your sex crime defense, we will:
- Investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest, any searches of your person or property, as well as your interactions with the police;
- Determine if your rights have been violated in any way, and, as a result, if any of the state’s evidence should be thrown out;
- Work with experts to gather evidence that supports your side of the story and/or disproves the state’s allegations;
- Review the state’s case against you to find weaknesses that can be exploited for your benefit
- Negotiate with state prosecutors in an effort to get the charges against you dropped, or to secure a favorable plea bargain, and
- Try your case in front of a judge and/or jury, if necessary.
We’ll be with you from start to finish. The whole time, our team will be working tirelessly to build the strongest possible defense for you.
Now is the time to ask for help. Don’t put it off. Call our Los Angeles sex crime lawyers to schedule your free consultation today.
Our Sex Crimes Practice Areas
Again, a lot of different criminal offenses in California can be categorized as sex crimes.
Here’s an overview of some of the sex crimes our Los Angeles sex crimes attorneys regularly handle at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Indecent Exposure
Pursuant to Penal Code Section 314 PC, indecent exposure occurs when you expose your privates to another person in a public place with the intent to arouse or offend. For example, flashing someone in a park or at a bar could be considered indecent exposure.
Under California state law, indecent exposure is typically a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in a Los Angeles County jail.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault – or sexual battery, as it’s known under California state law, occurs when you intimately touch another person while they are restrained to arouse yourself, the victim, or another person.
Under Penal Code Section 243.4 PC, sexual assault can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Ultimately, the charge will depend on your criminal record (if any) and the degree of harm and trauma the victim experienced.
Under Penal Code Section 657(b) PC, prostitution involves acts related to having sex in exchange for compensation. Those acts can include having sex for money, agreeing to engage in prostitution, or even soliciting another person to engage in prostitution.
So, prostitutes, Johns, and pimps can all potentially face criminal charges for prostitution in California. The offense is always a misdemeanor.
Child Pornography
It’s a crime to produce, possess, or sell child pornography in the state of California. Under Penal Code Section 311.11 PC, child pornography offenses can be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the specifics of each case and the defendant’s criminal record.
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape, under Penal Code Section 261.5 PC, involves having sex with a minor. Since minors cannot legally consent to have sex, it’s technically always against the law for teens to do so unless they’re married. Statutory rape is a wobbler, meaning that, based on the specifics of the offense, it can result in misdemeanor or felony charges.
The biggest factor is the age of the parties involved. The bigger the age difference (or the younger the minor) the harsher the consequences.
Rape is among the most serious sex offenses in California. Under Penal Code Section 261 PC, rape occurs when you have sex with another adult against their will and without their consent.
Rape can involve using force or threats or having sex with an unconscious or intoxicated victim. Rape is a felony, punishable by up to 8 years in a California state prison.
Lewd Acts on a Child
Pursuant to California Penal Code Section 288(a), lewd acts on a child involves touching a child’s intimate parts or encouraging them to engage in a sexual act. This crime is typically a felony.
The charge and penalties will depend on (a) the child’s age and (b) the difference in age between the defendant and child. When force is used to commit the act, the maximum penalty for this crime is 10 years in a state penitentiary.
Child Molestation
Child molestation, as defined in Penal Code Section 288.7(a), child molestation occurs when an adult has sexual intercourse or sodomizes a child who is 10 years old or younger.
A felony, this crime can lead to 25 years to life in a California state prison. If the sexual act involves oral sex or sexual penetration, the offense carries 15 years to life in prison.
Penalties For Sex Crimes in Los Angeles, CA
The prosecution will not only work hard to get a conviction but also purse the harshes penalties under the law for your particular sex crime.
The penalties for sex offenses vary widely, based on factors related to the specific offense as well as your existing criminal record (if you have one).
After a conviction for a sex crime in Los Angeles, punishments might include some or all of the following:
- Imprisonment in a county jail or state prison
- Fines
- Probation, including community service, counseling, rehabilitation, and other requirements, as seen fit by the court
- Parole, and/or
- Mandatory sex offender registration.
There are also collateral consequences of a sex crime conviction. These are social and civil repercussions that you might experience because of the sex offense on your criminal record.
For example, you might find that it’s hard to find a job or even lose your professional license. Finding a place to live could be a challenge, particularly if you are a registered sex offender.
Additionally, you could lose your right to own or possess a firearm, lose custody and visitation rights if you have children, and might even lose out on government benefits.
Sex Offender Registration in the State of California
All sex offenses in California carry some pretty harsh penalties. For many sex crimes, a conviction requires the defendant to register as a sex offender with the state. In California, there are three “tiers” of sex offenders.
Tier One: requires registration for a minimum of 10 years after a conviction for misdemeanor sexual battery, indecent exposure, or other low-level sex crimes.
Tier Two: requires registration for a minimum of 20 years after a conviction for a mid-level sex offense, such as lewd acts with a minor under 14, incest, or acts of penetration with a foreign object.
Tier Three: requires registration for life after a conviction for many of the most serious sex crimes, including rape, child pornography, or pimping and pandering of a minor.
Because of Meghan’s Law, you’ll be entered into a searchable database that will disclose your identity and crime to those who are interested. For the period of time for which you’re required to register, you will also be required to comply with strict rules. These might include:
- Notifying the state if and when you move, within at least 5 days of doing so
- Maintaining a certain distance from schools, parks, or other places where children can be found regularly, and
- Notifying your college institution that you have been convicted of a sex crime, and registering with campus police.
If you’re classified as a high-risk offender, you might also be required to wear a GPS monitoring device.
Note that failing to register as a sex offender is a crime. You can face additional criminal charges and punishments if you do not satisfy your court-ordered responsibility.
The only way to avoid mandatory registration on California’s sex offender registry is by asserting a strong defense from the get-go. At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, we’ll do everything we can to safeguard your future and keep you off of the state’s offender registry. Give our law offices a call today to learn more.
What If I’ve Been Falsely Accused of a Sex Crime?
Many sex crimes are prosecuted based largely on an alleged victim’s allegations. Unfortunately, these allegations aren’t always true. Sometimes accusations are made out of hatred, spite, or revenge. The best way to fight false allegations is by presenting evidence that disproves the claims.
When you undermine and discredit the allegations against you, the state will have an incredibly difficult time satisfying its burden of proof. Remember, prosecutors have to prove that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So, our Los Angeles sex crime lawyers will cast as much doubt on your guilt as possible.
When our legal team represents you, we will:
- Discuss the motivation that might have led to false allegations;
- Challenge the validity and legality of any evidence the state might have to support the false accusations;
- Determine if your rights have been violated in any way in an effort to get evidence thrown out or, better yet, the charges against you dropped;
- Interview character and eye-witnesses; and
- Investigate, with the aid of experts, to gather any evidence that directly or indirectly disproves the charges against you.
We’ll pick apart the state’s case against you and work tirelessly to prove that the allegations against you are without basis.
Let Our Los Angeles Sex Crime Lawyers Fight For You Today
Have you been accused of, arrested for, or charged with a sex crime in Los Angeles? The time to begin defending yourself is now. The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys is prepared to help you in any way that we can.
Our Los Angeles sex crimes lawyers have decades of combined experience handling sex crime cases in Southern California. That experience includes time on both sides – prosecuting and defending these very cases. Who better to lead your defense than someone with a working knowledge of how the state will approach your case? That’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to call our Los Angeles law firm to schedule a free initial case assessment.
Remember, the state will begin to build its case against you immediately. So, you should make sure that your defense gets underway as soon as possible. Our team is always available to take your call, so contact our LA office now.
Our Los Angeles criminal defense law firm also provides:
- Los Angeles Domestic Violence Attorney
- Restraining Order Attorney in Los Angeles, CA
- Assault Attorney in LA
- Federal Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles
- LA Theft Crimes Lawyer
- Los Angeles, CA White Collar Crimes Attorney
- DUI Lawyer in Los Angeles, CA
- Los Angeles, CA Drug Crimes Attorney
- Juvenile Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA Courts
- Metropolitan Courthouse, The Superior Court of California
1945 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - California 2nd District Court of Appeal
Ronald Reagan State Building, 300 S Spring St B-228, Los Angeles, CA 90013 - Spring Street Courthouse Los Angeles Superior Court
312 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - Los Angeles County Superior Court
600 S Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90005
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