Los Angeles Driving On A Suspended License Attorney

If you are charged with driving on a suspended license in Los Angeles, you could face serious consequences. At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, our experienced Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys are here to help. We know what you’re up against and how to fight back.
Your first consultation with our team is always free. Don’t hesitate to contact our Los Angeles driving on a suspended license attorneys at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys today to learn more about the benefits of having our team on your side during this frustrating and stressful process. We will fight for the best possible outcome for you in your case.
How The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help If You Were Arrested for Driving on a Suspended License in Los Angeles

When you hire The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys to defend your rights, you’ll benefit from our experience, knowledge, resources, and reputation. Our Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers have over 20 years of experience fighting for clients like you.
Enlisting the help of our team means that you’ll have an attorney who will work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome in your case.
When you hire us, you can count on our attorneys to:
- Locate all relevant evidence to support your defense
- Provide you with sound legal advice so you can make smart choices throughout the legal process
- Negotiate with prosecutors to have your charges reduced or dismissed when possible
- Fight to ensure that prosecutors and police respect your constitutional rights
- Represent you to the judge, the jury, prosecutors, and others involved in the case
- Answer any questions you have about your case or what to expect
If prosecutors charge you with driving on a suspended license, contact our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys today. We’re always available to review your case. We can also answer your questions about costs during your free initial consultation.
Our LA Defense Attorneys Understand the Driving on a Suspended License Laws in California

People often think that driving without a license is a minor traffic violation, much like a speeding ticket or running a red light. This is not true if your license has been suspended. California Vehicle Code Section 14601 makes it a crime to operate a motor vehicle if you know your driver’s license has been suspended or revoked.
Depending on the circumstances, violators will likely face misdemeanor charges. This generally happens after the police stop you for some other reason, which could also bring traffic citations or criminal charges. Driving on a suspended or revoked license could mean immediate arrest, going to jail, and impounding your vehicle.
In general, it’s a misdemeanor offense to drive if your license was suspended or revoked because of:
- Refusal to submit to a breath test or chemical test under California’s implied consent law
- Conviction for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Conviction for negligent or reckless driving
- Conviction of an offense involving the transportation of a controlled substance
You can also lose your license for many reasons that have nothing to do with a previous stop or issues with your driving record.
It’s also illegal to get behind the wheel under California law if you lost your driving privileges because of:
- A drug or alcohol addiction
- A physical impairment that makes it unsafe for you to operate a motor vehicle
- A mental disorder that makes it unsafe for you to drive
While it may seem unfair that you receive a misdemeanor charge because of a health concern, this is still driving on a suspended or revoked license.
While suspension and revocations differ, California law handles driving without a license the same under.
If you have a suspended license, the state may reinstate your driving privileges after the suspension period. A revocation means you must apply for a new California driver’s license and pass all necessary tests before you drive again.
What Does the Prosecution Have to Prove to Convict Someone for Driving on a Suspended License?
To hold you accountable for driving on a suspended license, Los Angeles prosecutors must prove all elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.
In this case, they must have evidence to show:
- You knew you had a suspended or revoked driver’s license
- You operated a motor vehicle with a suspended or revoked driver’s license
Often, we can challenge the first part of this. While law enforcement officers have a database at their fingertips and can look up your license information in real-time, you do not have this resource. They may show you were driving on a suspended license, but they need evidence to demonstrate that you knew it.
Prosecutors often prove these cases with evidence that includes:
- Documentation showing the California DMV mailed a notice of the suspension or revocation of your driving privileges to your most recent address, and the notice was not undeliverable
- Video or other evidence showing that the police confiscated your physical driver’s license and informed you that they were suspending your driving privileges
- Evidence that a judge informed you they were suspending your license during sentencing for your previous violation
California law presumes you know that your license is suspended or revoked if the notice was mailed to your address. If the DMV sent the notice, the burden of proof shifts to you to prove that you never received that notice. While our attorneys have managed cases where there was evidence to this effect, this is a difficult defense.
Still, there’s hope. At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, our Los Angeles driving on a suspended license lawyers have been helping clients like you for years. We know what you’re up against and how to fight back.
Facing charges? Call our criminal defense firm right away to schedule a free case review and learn more about how we’ll fight to protect your legal rights.
Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Know the Potential Penalties for Driving on a Suspended License in Los Angeles, California

Driving on a suspended license is a misdemeanor crime in California. However, you could face different penalties if convicted.
This will depend greatly on:
- Why your license was suspended or revoked in the first place
- Your prior driving record
- If you have a history of driving on a suspended or revoked license
If your driver’s license was suspended for reckless driving, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, or drug/alcohol addiction, you’ll likely receive a sentence that could include:
- Between five days and six months in jail and fines of between $300 and $1,000 if you were a first-time offender
- Between ten days and one year in jail and fines of between $500 and $2,000 for a second or subsequent offense
You could face more severe penalties if the state suspended your license for some other reason.
A conviction could bring the following consequences:
- Up to six months in jail and fines of between $300 and $1,000 if you were a first-time offender
- Between five days and one year in jail and fines of between $500 and $2,000 for repeat offenses
Suppose your license was suspended or revoked because of a DUI-related offense. In that case, you’ll face up to six months in jail under California Vehicle Code Section 14601.2. For a second offense, you can face up to one year in prison—and a minimum of 30 days in county jail. You might also face a longer license suspension and other related penalties.
Habitual traffic offenders may face even steeper penalties. You may be a habitual offender under California Vehicle Code Section 14601.3 if you accumulate additional traffic offenses while driving on a suspended license.
In these instances, you can face a mandatory minimum 30-day jail sentence, points on your record, and additional penalties based on the new traffic offenses.
What Defenses Will a Criminal Defense Attorney Use If I’m Accused of Driving an a Suspended License?
Even when the police stop you while driving on a suspended license and there is evidence to show you knew about the suspension or revocation, you will not automatically receive a conviction and sentence. You have an opportunity to explain yourself and your decision with a strong defense. This is the only way to avoid the harsh consequences of a conviction.
Your best resource during this time is a knowledgeable and skilled attorney familiar with these cases. At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, our attorneys are here to help you build the most compelling defense possible. We can fight the charges by employing a number of valid defense strategies.
Depending on the unique facts and circumstances of your case, this could include:
Lack of Knowledge
Prosecutors have to prove that you knew that your license was suspended or revoked.
Depending on the facts, we may argue that you lacked the requisite knowledge because:
- The DMV mailed the notice to the wrong address
- The notice was insufficient
- The notice was improper
Cases involving diving on a suspended license require a strong lawyer to investigate and present the proof needed to defend your rights.
If evidence shows you did not receive proper notification of your license suspension, the court may not convict you for driving. You want a knowledgeable team from The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys on your side to build this case.
You Were Driving on a Restricted License
Often, those with revoked or suspended licenses retain some restricted driving privileges. Your court order may allow some limited driving privileges even if it suspends your license. For example, maybe you can legally drive to medical appointments, work, or school.
If you drove for a valid purpose when stopped and arrested, the court cannot convict you for driving on a suspended license. The prosecution must show you didn’t drive for a valid and allowed purpose.
However, our team can counter any evidence they present with evidence to document your purpose and show you were well within the restrictions on your license.
Invalid Suspension or Revocation
In some cases, the license suspension or revoked license itself may have been invalid. Our lawyers may challenge the underlying offense to reinstate your driving privileges. If we can accomplish this, the court will most likely dismiss your driving on a suspended license charge.
Constitutional Violations
Police and prosecutors must respect and uphold your constitutional rights regardless of the crime alleged. If the police lacked probable cause for your traffic stop or violated your Miranda rights, we can sometimes have the prosecution’s evidence thrown out. This could weaken their case to the point the court dismisses the charges against you.
You Want a Strong Criminal Defense Team on Your Side After a Driving on a Suspended License Arrest
Many people do not think they need to worry about driving on a suspended license. However, it can affect your life in many ways. You do not want to try to go to court on your own to fight this charge. The consequences—jail time, serious fines, and additional loss of driving privileges—could affect your education, career, ability to care for your family, and more.
While the potential consequences are not as dire as they might be if you faced serious felony accusations, they are significant enough to want a strong defense on your side.
You do not have to try to navigate this process on your own. Our criminal defense lawyers handle these cases and work to clear your name or reduce the penalties you face, getting the best possible outcome for you.
Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Los Angeles Driving on a Suspended License Attorney

If you face arrest or charges for driving on a suspended license, our criminal defense lawyers in Los Angeles are here to help. At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, you can speak to a team member today for free. You can learn more about how we can help you during your free consultation.
Contact us online or dial (213) 995-6767 to reach us now.