Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyer

Los Angeles Domestic violence Lawyer

Have you been charged with domestic violence in Los Angeles County?

Call a Los Angeles domestic violence lawyer from The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys today for a free consultation at (213) 995-6767.

Attorney Ambrosio Rodriguez is a former prosecutor with over 20 years of criminal law experience and is ready to defend you.

A Los Angeles domestic violence charge can have a severe impact on your life, especially if it involves physical abuse.

Criminal charges can result in jail time and financial penalties, but you could also be issued a restraining order and lose the right to see your children. Legal aid protects victims and guides them through the legal procedures of family law cases.

You could face serious penalties even if you were falsely accused.

Estimated Costs of a Domestic Violence Charge in California

The financial implications of a domestic violence charge in California extend beyond legal fees. A conviction leads to a range of expenses that have a long-lasting impact on financial stability.

One significant cost associated with a domestic violence conviction is restitution. The court orders the convicted individual to pay the domestic assault victim for medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, or property damage resulting from the offense. These amounts can be substantial, depending on the severity of the injuries and the extent of the damage caused.

A conviction results in fines, court fees, and the cost of court-mandated programs, including anger management classes, counseling sessions, or substance abuse treatment, which add up to several thousands of dollars over time.

The loss of income due to incarceration or the inability to secure employment with a criminal record can also have a devastating financial impact.

A skilled criminal defense lawyer works to minimize these costs by advocating for reduced charges, alternative sentencing options, or case dismissal when appropriate.

Investing in a competent attorney may help mitigate the long-term financial consequences of a domestic violence charge.

Building a strong defense strategy and negotiating with prosecutors can help avoid a conviction, reduce fines and restitution, or secure alternative sentencing options for continued employment and income stability.

How a Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyer at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help if You’ve Been Accused of Domestic Violence

How Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Can Help if You’ve Been Accused of Domestic Violence in Los Angeles

If you’ve been accused of Los Angeles domestic violence, you shouldn’t put your future in the hands of just any criminal defense lawyer.

You need a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer dedicated to protecting your best interests.

At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, you can expect:

  • We will make a full investigation into the charges against you–and never rely on the prosecution’s evidence alone
  • An experienced domestic violence attorney who understands the legal system and knows the prosecutors and judges
  • Someone who will listen to your side of the story and treat you with respect and dignity
  • A domestic violence lawyer near you who will advocate fiercely on your behalf to protect your rights

Your future is too important to trust just anyone to handle your charges.

Our domestic violence lawyers’ primary goal is winning not-guilty verdicts–or negotiating to have your charges dropped or reduced if possible.

We have a proven track record of accomplishing those goals. Call former prosecutor Ambrosio Rodriguez today to get started on your defense.

Overview of California Domestic Violence Laws

Overview of Domestic Violence Laws in California

Under California law, Domestic violence refers to a type of offense perpetrated against someone with whom you share a close relationship. Therefore, domestic violence is an area of criminal law that actually includes many different offenses. It is the relationship between the parties that elevates the offense to “domestic violence.”

Relevance of the Relationship Between Defendant and Accuser

Domestic violence can refer to a single act of physical, emotional, sexual or even financial violence against the victim.

In most cases, the victim will point to a cycle of violence between the parties.

You might be charged with either misdemeanor or felony domestic violence under Section 273.5 of the California Penal Code if the alleged victim was:

  • A spouse or former spouse
  • A romantic partner
  • A former dating partner
  • A cohabitant or former cohabitant (roommate)
  • The parent of your child

In order to convict under Section 273.5 PC, the prosecution must be able to prove that you willfully inflicted bodily injury upon the victim. The prosecution must also prove that you and the victim had one of the personal relationships described above.

Our Domestic Violence Attorneys Handle All Forms of Domestic Violence Charges

At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, we provide high-quality, experienced legal advice you can trust regardless of the charges against you. There is no cookie-cutter approach to building a defense to domestic violence charges.

Domestic violence is a wide-ranging legal term that can encompass any number of situations.

Our domestic violence lawyers handle all types of domestic violence cases, including:

When faced with domestic violence charges, speaking with a lawyer can be the key to protecting your future and your relationships. Often, mandatory counseling is involved with criminal penalties.

Our criminal defense lawyers have the experience and legal knowledge to minimize the damage these allegations can cause.

If someone in your domestic relationship has accused you of a crime, don’t hesitate to contact our law firm today for a free consultation.

Domestic Battery

Domestic battery under California Penal Code Section 243(e)(1) is a misdemeanor-level crime. To convict, the prosecution does not have to prove an actual injury.

It is most commonly invoked when the victim alleges pushing, shoving, or similar action. This is sometimes the case in elder abuse situations An experienced domestic violence lawyer with skills in domestic violence restraining orders is a lifesaver.

When one spouse is ordered to pay child support, they can become combative, spurring a domestic abuse case in southern California. Mandatory counseling is typically required. Legal representation is your saving grace. Domestic violence victims must be heard and protected.

Criminal Threats

Criminal threats can be either a felony or misdemeanor under California Penal Code Section 422. The district attorney must prove that you threatened violence against someone with whom you shared a domestic relationship. The severity of the crime depends upon the severity of the threat and the general circumstances.

Stalking and Harassment

To convict under California Penal Code Section 646.9, the prosecution must generally prove that you repeatedly contacted the victim. The contact must have been made to make the person reasonably fear for their safety.

Sexual assault and forms of serious harassment sometimes start with civil lawsuits between people with an intimate relationship. Child custody cases are another area where harassment is rampant. Effective legal representation is paramount.

Los Angeles criminal courts take domestic violence charges extremely seriously.

Even if the allegations are based on verbal arguments alone, you could face significant and life-altering consequences.

If convicted on domestic violence charges, you could face:

  • Jail time (with the potential for mandatory minimum sentencing)
  • Financial penalties
  • Loss of child custody and visitation
  • A restraining order
  • Participation in domestic violence classes
  • Loss of your right to own a firearm
  • Immigration problems and deportation (domestic violence is considered a crime of moral turpitude)
  • Damage to your reputation
  • A lasting criminal record that you’ll have to disclose when applying for jobs, housing, and more

Most California domestic violence charges can be either a misdemeanor or felony charge.

The prosecution has the discretion to vary the charges based on the severity of the situation. You need an experienced Los Angeles domestic violence attorney who knows how the prosecution thinks and can skillfully negotiate to get your charges reduced or dropped.

If the prosecution chooses to proceed with felony charges and you have a prior felony conviction, California’s enhanced sentencing requirements will apply. The “three strikes” law under California Penal Code Section 667 could mean you will face life in prison.

Whether it’s your first offense or you have a prior record, domestic violence charges should never be taken lightly. Our lawyers will fight to protect your future. If possible, that fight will include negotiating behind the scenes to have charges reduced or dropped before trial becomes necessary.

What are the Punishments for a Domestic Violence Conviction in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles criminal courts take domestic violence charges extremely seriously. Even if the allegations are based on a verbal argument alone, you could be facing significant and life-altering consequences. If convicted on domestic violence charges, you could face:

  • Jail time (with the potential for mandatory minimum sentencing)
  • Financial penalties
  • Loss of child custody and visitation
  • A restraining order
  • Participation in domestic violence classes
  • Loss of your right to own a firearm
  • Immigration problems and deportation (domestic violence is considered a crime of moral turpitude)
  • Damage to your reputation
  • A lasting criminal record that you’ll have to disclose when applying for jobs, housing and more

Most California domestic violence charges can be either a misdemeanor or felony charge. These offenses are known as “wobblers.” The prosecution has the discretion to vary the charges based on the severity of the situation. You need an experienced Los Angeles domestic violence attorney who knows how the prosecution thinks and can skillfully negotiate to get your charges reduced or dropped.

Remember, if the prosecution chooses to proceed with felony charges and you have a prior felony conviction, California’s enhanced sentencing requirements will apply. The “three strikes” law under California Penal Code Section 667 could mean you will face life in prison.

Whether it’s your first offense or you have a prior record, domestic violence charges should never be taken lightly. Our lawyers will fight to protect your future. If possible, that fight will include negotiating behind the scenes to have charges reduced or dropped before trial becomes necessary.

Building a Strong Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges

Building a Strong Defense Against Los Angeles Domestic Violence Charges

In 2019, there were 161,123 domestic violence-related calls for help to California police. While domestic violence is clearly a serious problem in Los Angeles County, not all allegations of domestic violence are justified.

When emotions are running high between two people involved in a personal relationship, false allegations are actually quite common.

A strong defense that will hold up in court is the key to success in any domestic violence case.

However, because no two cases are exactly alike, the strategy that will work for you depends on the circumstances.

Potentially viable defense strategies may include:

Lack of intent

Most crimes require the prosecution to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Establishing that you did not intend to commit the offense can sometimes work as a defense.


Our California family courts lawyers always investigate the option of proving that you did not commit the crime, whether through an alibi defense, scientific or technological evidence, or other means.

False allegations

Our lawyers can work to establish that the victim had a motive to accuse you of a domestic violence crime falsely. We conduct a comprehensive investigation into the circumstances to get the complete picture so that we can effectively defend your rights. Sometimes, a restraining order can help.


Domestic violence isn’t always one-sided. Maybe your partner attacked you, and you only acted out of defense. Restraining orders are used in these situations to avoid physical injury. A family law firm can help you.

Navigating the criminal justice system in Los Angeles, California, can be complicated enough. When the added stress of a volatile domestic relationship is thrown into the mix, it can overwhelm anyone.

At The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys, after your initial consultation, you’ll see we are passionate about protecting your rights. We handle every aspect of your case, from investigation to fiercely advocating on your behalf at trial if needed.

With an experienced former prosecutor as your lead defense attorney, you can rest assured that we understand how the prosecution works.

We know which defense strategies will work and how to present them. We also understand the mistakes that prosecutors and law enforcement tend to make in emotionally charged family law and domestic violence cases.

Contact an Experienced Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today

Contact an Experienced Los Angeles Domestic Violence Lawyer for a Free Consultation TodayDon’t let domestic violence charges ruin your life. You don’t have to go it alone.

In fact, you shouldn’t. It becomes much too easy to say things you might regret when the emotional impact of domestic violence allegations are involved.

Simply call The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Los Angeles domestic violence attorney. A criminal defense attorney who cares about his clients.

We will sit down, listen to your story, and discuss options for building a strong defense. Our lawyers serve clients throughout Southern California and Los Angeles, CA., in many practice areas.

Los Angeles Domestic Violence Resources

WomensLaw.org – Legal information to help domestic violence survivors.
Los Angeles County – Domestic Violence Council.
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence – Find a Los Angeles domestic violence organization near you.
National Domestic Violence Hotline – Domestic Abuse Hotline. Call, chat, or text.
California Courts: The Judicial Branch of California – What is domestic violence and how to get help.