Social Security Fraud Defense Lawyer in Los Angeles

Most people feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to defend themselves against Social Security fraud charges in Los Angeles.

Working with a skilled and assertive Social Security fraud defense lawyer in Los Angeles will help protect your rights and build a strong defense for your case.

Our Los Angeles Social Security fraud attorneys at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys are well-versed in defending clients against Social Security fraud charges. Call us today at (213) 995-6767 for your free consultation with our diligent and trusted team.

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Why Should I Hire The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys for My Social Security Fraud Case?

Dealing with a Social Security fraud charge can terrify you. You not only worry about the criminal implications of fines and prison time, but about losing an important source of income.

An established and experienced defense attorney team will set you up for the best possible results for your case.

Ambrosio E. Rodriguez founded The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys to give his Los Angeles community a powerful and assertive defense option.

Super Lawyers badgeMr. Rodriguez spent 13 years working tirelessly as Senior Deputy District Attorney and has spent 20 in criminal defense. His years working as a prosecutor gave him invaluable knowledge of how to build an aggressive defense against Los Angeles prosecutors.

Mr. Rodriguez’s legal experience is well-respected nationwide, and national news interviews have regularly featured him.

Our attorneys at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys will fight unwaveringly in your defense to advocate for your rights and protect your freedom throughout your entire case.

To better serve the larger Los Angeles community, our firm has a team of English, Spanish, and Arabic-speaking attorneys.

We also offer a virtual consultation option to make our team more accessible to your needs.

Our Los Angeles office is conveniently located downtown at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and South Hope Street. We are just a few blocks from Pershing Square, Maguire Gardens, and the Los Angeles Central Library.

Call us today for your free consultation with a trusted team member.

Reliable Results for Our Clients

The unyielding team of reliable attorneys at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys has successfully defended thousands of people in this community.

We have experience successfully negotiating down plea bargains and getting cases dismissed.

Previous clients of The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys regularly share their gratitude with our team for our successful defense of their cases.

  • Our recent client, Danny, expressed how worried he was about finding a well-experienced lawyer for his son’s defense case. He was relieved by his experience working with The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys and beyond pleased with the timeliness of the resolution of his family’s case.
  • Joselyn felt lucky to have found our team of experienced attorneys. We maintained clear and consistent communication throughout her case, making the process smooth and seamless for her and her family.
  • Karla was pleased with how simple and easy we made the defense process for her.

What Is Social Security Fraud?

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), Social Security fraud occurs when someone does not reveal a material fact to attain Social Security benefits and payments.

The SSA defines information as material when it influences the administration’s determination of eligibility or entitlement to Social Security benefits.

The American Society of legal advocates

The SSA demonstrates examples of Social Security fraud as

  • Making intentionally inaccurate statements on a Social Security claim
  • Hiding facts or events that may impact a person’s eligibility for Social Security benefits
  • Misusing benefits, grants, or contract funds
  • Not notifying SSA of a beneficiary becoming deceased and persisting in accepting the deceased person’s Social Security benefits
  • Buying or selling Social Security cards
  • Filing Social Security claims under someone else’s Social Security number
  • Impersonating an SSA employee in an attempt to scam another person
  • Bribing an SSA employee

Social Security Scams

A Social Security scam is a specific Social Security fraud.

The SSA defines a Social Security scam as a person impersonating an SSA or other government agency employee to try to obtain money or personal information from a person.

People typically carry out Social Security scams by phone, email, text message, or direct message on a social media platform.

Common examples of Social Security scams are:

  • Threatening legal action or an arrest against a person unless they pay an immediate sum of money
  • Claiming to increase a Social Security benefit for a person if they pay a fee
  • Pressuring a person to disclose personal information
  • Receiving payment by cash, cryptocurrency, prepaid debit card, wire transfer, or retail gift card

If you or a loved one has been charged with committing Social Security fraud, contact our team at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys.

What Are the Legal Ramifications of Social Security Fraud

The Social Security Administration (SSA) works closely with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to combat Social Security fraud.

The SSA and the OIG partner to investigate Social Security fraud and pursue charges. They refer cases of Social Security fraud to U.S. attorneys and local prosecuting authorities.

U.S. Code 42, Chapter 7 makes participating in Social Security fraud a federal offense.

Other potential penalties for engaging in Social Security fraud include fines and a prison sentence.

Social Security Fraud in Los Angeles

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) recently published that Social Security scam allegations increased nearly 32% yearly.

Lawyers of distinction

Most Social Security scam allegations involve a person impersonating a Social Security Administration employee and stating that there was a problem with a person’s Social Security number (SSN) or Social Security benefits. Others entail someone impersonating another government entity, or an unauthorized person using official government entity logos in communications with someone.

To mitigate Social Security fraud in Los Angeles, California state legislation prohibits the publication of SSNs by businesses, government agencies, and other entities in specific scenarios:

  • Posting SSNs on badges and ID cards
  • Including SSNs on documentation sent to customers in the mail, unless required by law on said document
  • Publishing an unsealed and highly visible SSN on a mailer
  • Embedding or encoding SSNs in barcodes, chips, or magnetic strips in an attempt to circumvent legal requirements
  • Requiring the submission of SSNs through an unsecured or unencrypted internet connection
  • Requiring SSNs to be used as a website login without the use of a password

Defense Options for Social Security Fraud

A strong defense against Social Security fraud allegations will protect your freedom.

Lack of Intent

Intent is a critical element in convicting someone of Social Security fraud. However, not all people intentionally commit Social Security fraud or scams.

A skilled criminal defense attorney will identify if an unintentional misuse of Social Security benefits occurred.

Unintentional False Statements

Social Security fraud occurs when a person intentionally makes false statements on a Social Security claim to increase their benefits or acquire benefits they do not deserve.

Unfortunately, people mistakenly submit inaccurate data or statements while thinking they are factual. Sometimes, a false statement can increase benefits; other times, it does not affect Social Security benefits eligibility.

A diligent criminal defense attorney can help determine whether you or a loved one shared unintentional misinformation with the Social Security Administration.


The U.S. Department of Justice defines entrapment as a situation in which the government initiates a crime that the defendant would not have otherwise committed.

If a person feels the government lured them to commit Social Security fraud, a reliable criminal defense attorney could argue entrapment.

Why Should I Work With an Attorney?

National academy of criminal defense attorneys

Most people are unaware of how to defend themselves from stressful and overwhelming charges of Social Security fraud.

A well-respected and dependable Social Security fraud criminal defense attorney on your team can protect your freedom.

Your trusted legal team will:

  • Understand your situation – A loyal attorney will listen carefully and attentively to your situation to understand clearly what you are going through. They will evaluate your case and ask questions for additional clarity where necessary.
  • Educate you on your options – Your compassionate legal team will explain your Social Security fraud charges and your legal options.
  • Gather evidence – A strong legal team will gather all relevant evidence to help build a solid defense.
  • Advocate and negotiate on your behalf – Your legal team will positively represent you to the prosecutors. It will negotiate a plea deal on your behalf if necessary.
  • Defend your case in court – Some cases move past plea negotiations and go to trial in court. An assertive attorney will passionately defend you and your case in court.

FAQs About Social Security Fraud in Los Angeles

How Can I Prevent Social Security Fraud?

Understanding what constitutes Social Security fraud can help prevent unintentionally partaking in defrauding the system.

When submitting any Social Security claims or official forms, take special care to properly and accurately represent your situation and all information. Do not knowingly disclose false information to the Social Security Administration.

Ensure you are up-to-date on all rules and regulations governing any Social Security benefits you and your loved ones may receive.

Common unintentional forms of Social Security fraud include:

  • Family members fail to notify the government of a deceased loved one and receive the deceased’s Social Security benefits
  • A person receiving Social Security disability benefits is no longer considered disabled but continues to receive their Social Security benefits

What to Do After Authorities Charge You With Social Security Fraud in Los Angeles?

If you or your loved ones face Social Security fraud charges in Los Angeles, contact a skilled Social Security criminal defense attorney immediately to help build your defense.

Fighting a Social Security fraud allegation on your own is risky and perilous. An experienced legal professional will protect your rights and those of your loved ones during this distressing and trying time.

Schedule a free consultation with a competent Social Security criminal defense today and get the help you and your loved ones deserve on your case.

Work With an Experienced Social Security Criminal Defense Attorney

Defending yourself against the serious allegations of committing Social Security fraud is a daunting and complicated task.

Ambrosio E. Rodriguez

Ambrosio E. Rodriguez, Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys

Work with an experienced Social Security criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in the system’s intricacies and legalities.

A diligent and well-versed legal team will compassionately learn about your situation and its unique aspects. They will clearly educate you on your charges and guide you on the best advisable path forward. Your legal team will tirelessly gather evidence to strengthen your defense. It will advocate on your behalf, whether negotiating a plea deal with the prosecutor or defending your case in court.

The unyielding team of Social Security fraud defense attorneys at The Rodriguez Law Group Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorneys have decades of experience defending their clients in the Los Angeles community. Let our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys help you and your loved ones defend your case and protect your right to freedom.

Our Los Angeles office is conveniently located downtown at the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and South Hope Street. We are just a few blocks from Pershing Square, Maguire Gardens, and the Los Angeles Central Library.

Contact us today at (213) 995-6767 to schedule your free and confidential initial consultation with our well-respected and experienced team of Social Security fraud defense attorneys.

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